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Lemus-Guzman and Tuberville presented Carson-Newman’s Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award

在全球赌博十大网站的荣誉大会上, German Lemus-Guzman and 援助en Tuberville were named the 2024 Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award recipients. 从左至右:C-N教务长Jeremy J. Buckner; Tuberville, Lemus-Guzman, University President Charles A. 福勒.

Carson-Newman University announced that German Lemus-Guzman and 援助en Tuberville are recipients of the 2024 Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award. 识别, 在C-N荣誉大会上宣布, is the highest honor the University presents to students.

Lemus-Guzman is a nursing major from Descombros, Honduras. As a student he has excelled not only in his discipline but demonstrated servant-leadership throughout his time at Carson-Newman.

在他还是学生的时候, he has shown a commitment to excellence and maintaining an exceptional academic record. He has done this while juggling multiple responsibilities and extensive extracurricular and student involvement.

Serving as Student Nurses Association Membership Coordinator since 2022, Lemus-Guzman is credited for tutoring beginner nursing students and offering support and encouragement to his peers within the program. He created fundraising events to buy healthcare items to donate to nursing homes in Jefferson City.

He has sought ways to support and add to Carson-Newman’s student experience, 担任P.O.D.E.R., which stands for Pursuing Our Dreams Embracing Our Roots. Examples of other on-campus involvement include serving as president of Alpha Chi, SGA高级代表, 取向的领导者, 鹰制作公司, and holding memberships in Gamma Beta Phi and Tri-Alpha honor societies.

“German is a Barnabas – an encourager through and through,” said Dr. 拉娜·斯宾塞,健康科学学院院长. “Countless individuals have been inspired and empowered to believe they too can achieve their goals as a direct result of his love and support. 他从不问, “我能得到什么呢,’ but rather ‘what can I give’ as he serves his community, 同学们, 病人, 和这所大学.”

Tuberville came to Carson-Newman from Jackson, Tennessee. 无论是在教室里, 在校内或校外, Tuberville is noted for seeking to make a difference in the lives of those around her.

As a student she has been championed for consistently offering the highest level of achievement in each course she takes in the Biblical and Theological Studies curriculum. Her professors note that “she offers insight that often startle with breadth of understanding and a remarkable ability to create connections between seemingly unconnected things.”

她在学业上也很出色, the impact she has had in ministering to others is no less admirable. 在她的同学中被认为是一个仆人, Tuberville has worked on campus as a resident assistant and in leadership roles. She is also credited for her many contributions to campus worship and Bible studies.

Her heart for serving those around her has not only benefited the C-N campus community. 在她还是学生的时候, 她一直活跃于诺克斯维尔的YOKE部委, as well as serving as a summer campus counselor with The Hope Center in Jackson.

Whether referring to her academic achievements or her commitment to reaching and supporting others in the name of Christ, her professors have described her succinctly as “a shining light among her colleagues.”

The New York Southern Society established the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award in 1890 to honor an Indiana native and Manhattan attorney who was considered a living example of genteel spirit and Christian compassion. 颁奖, 哪些是由以他的名字命名的基金会捐赠的, are granted at more than 70 colleges and universities to graduating seniors, 一男一女, 谁“在高尚的生活理想中出类拔萃?, 优秀的精神品质, 慷慨无私地为他人服务.”




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